The coronavirus pandemic has stripped reliable paychecks from millions of Americans, forcing some families to choose between paying rent and feeding their children.
Since mid-2020, as money flowed from federal stimulus bills, state and local agencies have been handing out assistance checks to renters and landlords.
But there’s still not enough to go around, according to economists.
The Center for Public Integrity reported that communities of color face the threat of eviction at higher rates than white neighborhoods. Without widespread rental assistance, millions of families may face homelessness when a federal moratorium on evictions lifts.
If you are currently behind on your rent due to the pandemic or were behind in the past year, we want to hear from you. If you’re helping people in this situation — with rent forgiveness or legal aid, for example — we want to hear from you, too. Please take our brief survey to help us report on this crisis.
- It will take less than five minutes to complete, on average.
- You can choose to allow a reporter to contact you.
- We will not publish what you tell us in this survey without your permission. All personal information is confidential.
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